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[Important info regarding Community Service & what's RAB all about.]

July 2002


NYCHA  Agency Plan 2003


NYCHA webpage can be located at HTTP://




NYCHA will hold five Town Hall meetings at which the public is invited to raise question regarding the draft plan to senior NYCHA officials.  These meetings will be held between 6:30 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. at the dates and locations shown below:

Thursday, July 11, 2002



New York Technical College

Klitgord Auditorium

285 Jay Street at Tillary Street Brooklyn, New York

Tuesday, July 16, 2002


Pace University

Schimmel Theater

Spruce Street Bet. Park Row and Gold Street

New York, New York

Tuesday, July 23, 2002


Elechester Industrial Center

67-35 Parsons Blvd. at Jewel Ave

Flushing, New York

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Staten Island

I.S. 49 Dreyfus Intermediate School

101 Warren Street at Gordon Street

Staten Island, New York

Monday, August 5, 2002


Melrose Community Center

286 E. 156th Street at Morris Avenue

Bronx, New York


NYCHA also invites public comment on the proposed plan at a public hearing to be held on Thursday, August 15, 2002, from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM at


The Hilton New York

1335 Sixth Avenue

(Use Entrance on 54th Street)

New York, New York


Each location listed above is both handicapped accessible and can be reached using public transportation


Written comments regarding the draft plan are encouraged.  To be considered submissions must be received not later than August 15, 2002.  Comments may be sent either through the internet address set out above or via ordinary mail (fax submissions will not be accepted) to the address set forth below:


New York City Housing Authority

Public Housing Agency Plan Comments

Church Street Station

P.O. Box 3422

New York, New York 10008-3422 

November 2001


A final meeting on the proposed FY2002 Agency Plan will be held with the RAB before it is considered by the Board and submitted to HUD.  The meeting will be held on Thursday evening, November 15, 2001, at 5:30 P.M., in the 12th floor Boardroom, at the Authority's main office, located at 250 Broadway in lower Manhattan. 

 August 2001


RAB members had received a copy of a Bill sponsored by Rep. Charles Rangel. which would repeal the community service provision, if enacted by the Congress.  This bill is H.R. 2493. 


Mr. Rangel, on July 30th, has proposed an amendment to the FY2002 HUD Appropriations bill, prohibiting housing authorities from using funds appropriated by that measure to implement or enforce the community service program.  This amendment is for H.R. 2620. 


This act by Rep. Charles Rangel to me, personally, shows that he is truly a public servant in favor of NYCHA residents.    Where does the other Congressmen stand on this issue?  Their vote will determine my vote at the time of election.  For those who believe in slavery in this 21st century, should have their bags packed and relieved of their official duties to the American people.  One war against slavery should had been enough.  Now it's our turn to vote out those who believe the word "mandates," really means "volunteers."   

 June, 2001


On May 24, 2001, the Resident Advisory Board and the Council of Presidents, went to Washington to present to the Honorable Members of the United States Senate and the Honorable Members of Congress House of Representatives, a statement of position regarding the budget status modification and the Repealing of Community Service and Pet Sections of Housing Authority Act.

With six buses and over two hundred and fifty residents of NYCHA, made a strong representation, in numbers, of their grievances, to the above members of Congress.    I am focusing only on one of the four issues presented.  That issue is Community Service.  It goes as follows:


"We strongly recommend the repeal of the community service requirement proposed in Section 12c Housing Authority Act of 1937.  While we respect the national call to volunteerism and the value of community service, requiring Americans who happen to be residents of public housing to perform voluntary services, indeed, making our continued residency contingent on those services, is insulting and inconsistent with America's basic tenants of governance.  It is noteworthy that while the letter promulgating the message defined community service as a voluntary function, or homes will be forfeit if we don't comply.  In what way is that voluntary?  To us, it feels like blackmail. 

The great majority of public housing residents are in the workforce, paying taxes, and struggling along with their non-public housing brethren to blend the multiple demands of work and family.  In all fairness, how can we be asked - no coerced - to work without pay and additional eight hours a month while no other working people are asked to carry this burden?  To mandate us, without any representation , to perform work in this manner because we have a certain address is an authoritarian, inhumane policy laden with discrimination and lacking in due process.  It must also be noted that this policy bears particular malice to African-Americans, a people well versed in the politics of forced labor.  Many of our public housing residents are but three or four generations removed from slavery, and are incensed at the ruthless, yet all too familiar imposition of a forced work / no pay / no rights program.

We beseech you to rethink this policy and the means in which it might be deployed.  Public housing residents throughout New York and all of America are irate at the notion of this regulation and the offensive manner in which it is being presented."   

 February 28, 2001


A notice will appear in the next edition of The Housing Authority Journal announcing access to RAB members via the newly established post office and/or the fax line.   

 Resident Advisory Board

FY2002 Agency Plan



Tuesday, March 13, 2001


1.  Introduction

     Delegate Role Call




Steven Love

Director, Federal Relations,

Policy and Compliance


Gerry Lamb, Chair,

Council of Presidents

2.   Introduction

      RAB Responsibilities

      The Agency Plan Process

Steven Love

3.   Financial Resources

Roy Sinclair,

Deputy General Manager, Finance

4.   Housing Needs

Amy Hosier,

Director, Research and Policy

5.   Open Discussion

RAB Members

6.   Adjourn



The next meeting of the Resident Advisory Board will occur on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at the 6th Floor Cafeteria at NYCHA's 90 Church Street offices at 5:30 P.M.                                                


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