It's A Knockout

What's Up?

2001: The New Law Of Slavery

     At first glance, you can assume that this title of slavery can not exist in the United States of America, at any decade after the Civil War. But now, our federal government, with a little help from our friends in Congress, has created a new law which goes into effect, January 1st, 2001. This law is targeted to New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) resident adults, 18 to 61 years old. Of course, the blind or disabled that can not perform their slavery duties, are exempt.
    On June 8th, 2000, at 5:30 P.M., the Resident Advisory Board (RAB) convened at the 6th floor Cafeteria, at 90 Church Street, NYC, to discuss NYCHA'S development plans, known as the "Agency Plan." I know the name sounds confusing, like some CIA operation, but, let me first say that RAB is an advisory group elected by public housing and Section 8 residents to help develop Annual and Five-year Plan (Collectively known as the "Agency Plan.") Sandwiched in the agenda of June 8th, was an item titled Community Service. Even though, a resident of NYCHA, is engaged in work activities, and therefore exempt, his/hers spouse is not. 96 HOURS OF SLAVERY, PER YEAR. Can you imagine a mother of two children, who cleans, cooks, and helps her children with their homework, and etc. (our friends in Congress does not consider that as engaging in work activities), must be forced to provide this community service or else termination of tenancy. Another words, "You're Out!"
    At this meeting, a NYCHA representative, was asking the RAB members to suggest different community services, that the residents might like to engage in, to suggest different community services, that the residents might like to engage in, to improve their quality of life. Out of 37 RAB members present at this meeting only one thought that this was a good idea. For the majority of RAB members this was the first time they heard about this new law. We can thank our Republicans and Democratic Congressman for forcing down this federal law of slavery to those whose only crime is to be a resident under New York City Housing Authority.
    Oh, by the way, no funding has been authorized or appropriated to cover the cost involved in this, so called project, that uses phrases like "...Improve the quality of life...enhance resident self-sufficiency...increase resident self-responsibility...etc., etc., and etc." By the way, has anyone read lately, the book called "Animal Farm?"


Hmmm ?

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