What's Up?


July 2000

My name is Ray Diamond and I am one of the District Delegates representing Brooklyn South and Bayview Houses. One of my responsibilities is to keep residents informed regarding NYCHA'S development plans, known as the "Agency Plans." I know the name sounds confusing, like some CIA operation but let me first start off with the RAB, what it is...and what is isn't.



"RAB" is the abbreviation for "Resident Advisory Board." To make certain that everyone understands just what the law requires of the RAB, we have set out a short list of what the RAB is intended to do, and what it is not.


The RAB is an advisory group of public housing and Section 8 resident. Similar to last year, there will be just one Resident Advisory Board.


Housing authorities are now required to developed Annual and Five-year Plan. (Collectively known as the "Agency Plan.") The Agency Plan sets out the housing authority's priorities and policies in 17 core areas. The function of the RAB is to assist NYCHA by providing advice and counsel as it develops its Agency Plan.


Membership on the new RAB includes the responsibility to keep residents informed regarding the Plan's development, regarding the content of the draft Agency Plan and the Plan as it is finally submitted to HUD. The RAB will also be required to submit formal comments to NYCHA regarding the final version of the Plan, which will be the part submission made to HUD.