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It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To 2002

December, 2002
Boo hoo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does Mothers always seem to get their way!  I guess it because Xmas is near, and all the Santa's are in fear.  I'm joking about this  so that I can lead into a new format about Ma's Book Review.  This month she has included one of her tales.  This will be the first of many "Tales from Guyana," which will be located  at the Writer's Topic in this website.

You can also click here to review the story.  Xmas Bet: To stay or not to stay

Merry Xmas and a Happy Holiday to you all.

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

November, 2002

Gobble Gobble! Have yourself a merry Thanksgiving feast!  Guess who's coming to dinner this month?  Mr. and Mrs. Politician!  Instead of e-mailing us, they use the media for sound bytes.  It does sound like a little gobble gobble, and they are suggesting for your Thanksgiving dinner a little mudsling pie.  I know that Mr. and Mrs. Politician seems to love us, especially if you volunteer for them for free.  Sometimes the liquor they want to serve us for Thanksgiving Day is labeled "Black and White." Their feely and touchy photos, showing them kissing babies and shaking hands makes the Thanksgiving Day an important day to kneel down, bow your head, and kiss their feet and say to God "...WHY ME???" 


Mr. and Mrs. Politician is like Boy meeting Girl for the first time and saying "I Love You."  Scary stuff, huh?  And I thought Halloween was last month! 

Even though we have to live with the media commercials, we cannot live without the privilege to vote.   It is a responsibility to all American citizens to go out there and vote!  This is the freedom that other nations do not enjoy.  After 9/11, this country must show our unity and voting is one of the privileges we should hold dear to us.  True love has many characteristics.  Love must have integrity, virtue, respect, and let's not forget responsibility.  If you truly love your country, you will protect it from injury, as a parent protects their children from harm.  Would you let your children be threaten by bullies and not do anything?  Would not a parent sacrifice their personal needs to make sure their children are not lacking their needs?  Would not a mother who once was fearful of situations regarding herself, not become brave to protect her child? 

Let's be thankful this Thanksgiving for what we have, even if it is the air we breathe, the roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, and the food that we eat, for we do not know what will come of tomorrow.  Live one day at a time, and make it count.  We are all Americans, and like a family, live for the honor of that privilege. 

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

October, 2002

In memory of Gertrude Blackwell Bailey, I am including a poem by her. 

We Depend On You

The President

The president is a man

    Just like you and me.

He has his troubles, he has his joy,

    He has his sickness, too. 

Yet we have chosen him and he has chosen for


        To be this nation's leader, Oh! What a task!

He must be brave, he must be strong and very tolerant,

    And able to stand when there is trouble on

        every hand.

He must be clear in his thinking, never forgetting

    the interest of everyman;

Yet I feel that the president is a very lonely man. 

    Like we here in this city's great ghettos, on you

We do depend, to bring us just a flicker of light and


        New hope within....

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

September, 2002

OK! Another...
#5 How to make a Spicy "Potato" Salad

This tasty salad is quick to prepare, and makes a satisfying accompaniment to barbecue meat or fish. 


Serves for 6 (years)

1 pound potato

2 red bell peppers

2 celery stalks

1 tablespoon of light cream

  1. Peel the Passion, Oblation, Tenderness, Awareness, Tolerance, Obliging. 

  2. Boil in salted water of politics for 20-40 years, until tender. Drain and cool morality, then cut up your values into cubes and place in a large mixing bowl like New York. 

  3. Halve the peppers, with the communities and cut out and discard the respect and authority and don't forget to cut celery stalks education into small pieces.

  4. Blend the cream of media, sour grapes, mustard commentaries, and sugar coat it with lies in a small bowl like TV, stirring until the mixture is well combined. 

  5. Pour the dressing of 9/11 over the salad and stir gently to coat evenly.  Serve, garnished with the snipped economy. 

This is your "Pissed off, Offensive, Tempered, Asshole, Taking upon themselves to be an, Oblivious " Salad

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

August, 2002

Boo hoo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK! Another...
#4 How to make "M.A.B.B.Y" with P

This is a very easy recipe that can be made quickly from home cupboard ingredients.  It is therefore ideal for an after-work supper.


  1. Petty Cash

  2. All credit cards

  3. Savings & checking accounts

  4. Trips to shopping mall & dining out

  5. All loans and catalog credits



Cook the petty cash according to the instructions of your children.


Meanwhile, raise the phone bill in the home to new levels.   Add the trips to the shopping mall, going frequently, for about three months until credit cards softened.


Add the catalog credit until crushed.  Fill the balance with loans from banks.


Stir well, then add your pride and arrogance to taste.  Bring all to a boil, lower the heat and simmer the minimum cost of credit card's payments for a few months, stirring occasionally, until it has reduced all cash flow. 


Drain the loans well and add it to your worries. 

This is your "Miserable, Alone, Broke, Bankrupt Yourself" PASTA


So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!


July, 2002

Boo hoo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK! Another...
#3 How to make a "MALB" or "DISM" drink

1/2 cup of chocolate syrup
1 cup of sugar
1 pound of cream cheese
1/4 cup cherry syrup
1 bag of Kit-Kat bars
1 bag of M&M's

Mix well in a blender for 30 seconds.
Pour in container and refrigerate.
Serve with fast food meals like McDonalds, Burger King, etc.
This is called "Make A Large Butt" or "Dead In Six Months" drink.

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

June, 2002

Boo hoo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK! Another...
#2 How to make alphabet soup, "SFGFBS" flavor

1/4 cup of forgetting security
1/2 cup of "give me, give me and give me."
1/4 cup of emphazing race more than an American

Bake well in the oven for 8 years
Pour over a five-pound apple
Leave on the table with 9 cups of fear and 11 tablespoons of worries
This is your alphabet soup -- "Spanking From God For Being Stupid"

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

May, 2002

Boo hoo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK...I finally got it off my chest. It's still my party and I'll cry if I want to!
Talking about crying...I developed a new section for my party. The title is as follows:

# 1 How to make SASUL bread

1 cup of life's past mistakes
1/2 cup of confessions
2 cups of emotions
1/2 teaspoon of pride
1 tablespoon of self pity

Bake well in the oven for 365 days.
Leave it on the table for the rest of your life.
This is a SASUL bread - Stupid And Screwed Up Life.

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

April , 2002

Hello everyone! Going out to picnic in this kind of weather? Oh gee...the weather is screwing us up. But don't worry. You can always have a picnic at su casa! And just to lighten up your mood, I'm gonna tell you this great recipe that will surely bring smiles - and a healthy vision! It's called "Moonstone Castle Carrot Salad!" This recipe was taken out of a Nancy Drew Cookbook. I have to comment about this recipe book: It is sooo simple and sooo tasty! So c'mon, give this recipe a try. Oh, and e-mail me about any knicks-knacks for me to put on this site. Remember - mi website es su website.

2 1-pound cans diced carrots
1 medium onion
1 can tomato soup
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup vinegar
1/2 cup salad oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon dry mustard

Drain carrots. Peel the onion and cut into thin slices. Separate the slices into rings. Line the bottom of a casserole dish with diced carrots. Cover them with a layer of onion rings. Alternate layers of carrots and onion rings until all are used.

In a separate bowl mix soup, sugar, vinegar, oil, salt, pepper, paprika, and dry mustard. Beat for 3 minutes.

Pour the mixture over the carrots and onion rings. Cover the dish and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Serves 8.

A YUMMY COMBINATION - Try serving this with barbecued spare ribs.

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

March , 2002

Whazzup, peeps! I can tell by your letters that you're hungry for more recipes. Well, if that's the case, here's another recipe that I pulled out from a recipe box. This one is called "Petite Stuffed Pizza Snacks." Y-U-M-M-Y!

Prep time: 15 mins.
(Ready in 35 mins.)

1 (10.6 - oz) pkg. Pillsbury Refrigerated Parmesan Breadsticks
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano leaves
1 egg
25 slices pepperoni (about 1 1/2 oz.)
2 oz. (1/2 cup) shredded Swiss cheese
3/4 cup spaghetti sauce, heated

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Unroll dough; divide into 2 equal sections along center perforation. Press each section to form 8-inch square. Place 1 square on ungreased cookie sheet.
In small bowl, combine Parmesan cheese, oregano and egg; beat well. Spoon mixture over square on cookie sheet; carefully spread to within 1/2 inch of edge. Arrange pepperoni over egg mixture. Sprinkle with Swiss cheese. Top with remaining dough square; press edges to seal. Spread Parmesan spread from container over dough.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. To serve, cut into 4 strips with serrated knife; cut 7 diagonal strips to form diamond-shaped pieces. (A few outer pieces will not be diamond shaped.) Serve warm pizza snacks with warm spaghetti sauce.

16 servings

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

February , 2002

WHAAAAAATTTTT???? I'm surprised! No one has emailed me problems about his/her lives! What the heck is this??? Are you guys really interested in my recipes after all? Oh well.

Here's a kid-pleaser that'll even delight the cook - this ham is on the table in less than 20 minutes, and it's oh-so-yummy! It's called "Ham Slice in Orange Sauce."

1 (16 ounce) ham slice (1/2" thick)
3/4 cup orange juice
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
10 to 12 whole cloves

1) Place ham in a large nonstick skillet. Combine orange juice and remaining 4 ingredients, stirring well; pour over ham. Cook over medium heat 4 minutes on each side or until ham is heated and sauce thickens slightly, basting often with sauce. Discard cloves before serving.

Microwave Method: To make this in the microwave, place ham slice in a 7" x 11" baking dish. Combine orange juice and remaining 4 ingredients; pour over ham. Microwave, uncovered, at HIGH 4 minutes. Turn ham slice, and baste; microwave at HIGH 4 more minutes. Cover and let stand 2 minutes. Discard cloves before serving.

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

January , 2002

Boo hoo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another year. Are we getting old? Are we still making those crazy resolutions? Do we forget what happen on 9-11-01? Or are we just going to get a face lift...?

These are some questions that have been sent by e mail for me to answer.

Boo hoo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't it wonderful that we can whine and cry about our problems and status in life? Well, let the New Years Party BEGIN! For those who are wondering about age and their physical condition, its all about what you think. If you think old (even though you may be young), you will feel old. Face lifts is only a tempory solution to life's short comings. Find ways to feel young. If you are a parent, spend time with your children. If you are a teenager, hang out with people who have a positive mental attitude and don't waste time on gossiping or running other people down. Life is too short and its what you think that makes a difference in your physical appearance. Laugh and don't be hard on yourself .

Sept. 11, 2001, should always be a reminder that security in our lives, is only a myth. One shouldn't go through life thinking that everything is okay. One shouldn't depend, as a child, that life revolves around the "I." Many countries around the world has lived with this type of terrorist acts. This should be a constant remembrance that our nation needs a strong defense system. One system of defense is the unity of the American people, around the flag of the United States of America, and our president (no matter what party he belongs to). We all have needs but the greatest need is the safety and protection of our Constitution in our lives. Happy New Years to you all and to you all a good wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

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