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It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To 2001

December 1, 2001

To those in the email who were not interested in the recipes but wanted answers concerning the effects of the September 11 attack, in a Christian perspective. Some wondered why after two months the survey of the American Red Cross showed a large percentage of New Yorkers still needing different counseling. As a New Yorker, I deeply sympathize with those who lost their loved ones by being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or to those who were at the wrong place at the right time to try to save a human being. No greater love is shown than to give ones life for another. This had shown itself in the Christian Bible, for the love of Jesus Christ towards the world that he was willing to die for our sins. This holiday season for some, will reflect what they will receive as presents. Things like Santa Claus and mystical stories seems to permeate the media waves but Christmas is really about what Christ has done by taking the form of a human being and wrapped in death cloth (not swaddling cloth) and laid in a feeding trough (not manger) all to describe his birth is a gift to humanity that whoever believes in him (faith alone in Christ alone) will have eternal life. That was the sign, the gift, and the meaning of Christmas. I'm sorry for those who are all trying to deal with life. My compassion goes out to those who saw life go by. I hope and pray that this Christmas will bring this nation together and to remember that this nation was brought forth "under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." Yes America, we are at war. For us to survive, emotions alone doesn't cut it. We must remember those who died for the freedom we share and I am specifically remembering the W.W.II generation who are shrinking everyday. Merry Christmas to you all and I pray that God blesses America.

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

November 10, 2001

Gobble Gobble! Have yourself a merry Thanksgiving feast! This time, I looked over my old recipe journals and I came across this fabulous beverage that will surely be a knockout! It's called "Thanksgiving Special Cocktail."

(Note: This is an alcoholic beverage. Do not attempt to serve this beverage to children under 21.)

4 parts gin
3 parts apricot brandy
2 parts dry vermouth
1 part fresh lemon juice
Maraschino cherry

Combine all ingredients, except cherry, with cracked ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake well and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with cherry.

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

October 6, 2001
What's up with you people? Every time you guys send me recipes, you don't include your names! Is it something I said? Gee, I hope the 911 incident didn't give you illusions on your minds. Well, after going through tons of email messages, I randomly picked a recipe that seems favorable. This recipe is called, "Spicy Buffalo Wings." YEE-HAW!!!

3 pounds chicken drummettes, skinned, if desired
3/4 cup butter
1/2 cup hot sauce
1 (1-ounce) envelope onion soup mix
1 to 3 teaspoons ground red pepper
1 (8-ounce) bottle of blue cheese salad dressing
Carrot and celery sticks.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place drummetts on a lightly greased rack of a broiler pan; set aside.

Melt butter in a small saucepan; stir in hot sauce, soup mix, and red pepper. Brush chicken with half of butter mixture. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove from oven; turn chicken, and brush with remaining butter mixture. Bake 15 more minutes. Serve with dressing and vegetables.

Thanks for sending the recipe! Here is your prize:

Shake your Bon Bon!!!
So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

September 3, 2001
Whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It just gets better! More recipes!!!!!!!

For this recipe, this was sent to us who wishes to remain anonymous. This recipe is "Dressed Strawberries." Strawberrilicious!

2 cups raspberries, fresh or frozen
3 tablespoons sugar
1 passion fruit
6 cups small strawberries
8 vanilla cookies, to serve

Place the raspberries and sugar in a stain-resistant saucepan and soften over low heat to release the juices. Simmer for 5 minutes. Let cool. Halve the passion fruit and scoop out the seeds and juices. Transfer the raspberries to a food processor or blender, add the passion fruit and blend until smooth. Pass the blended fruit sauce through a fine nylon sieve to remove the seeds. Fold the strawberries into the sauce, then spoon into four stemmed glasses. Serve with vanilla cookies.

Thanks for sending us this recipe! This is your prize!

She thinks you are a sweetheart!
So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

August 2, 2001

Well finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone had finally sent me a recipe! Hooray! This recipe is "Tomato and Cilantro Soup." It was sent to us by Nova Rose. Oooooh this looks yummy!!!


1.5 kg / 3 lb ripe, plump tomatoes, roughly chopped
3/4 cup / 180 ml / 6 floz tomato juice
3 Tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice
1 Greek or Italian pickled pepper, seeded
3/4 tsp superfine sugar
ice water
4 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped fine
2/3 cup / 150 ml / 1/4 pt Greek-style yogurt

In a blender or food processor fitted with a metal blade, puree the tomatoes, tomato and orange juices, pepper, and sugar until as smooth as possible. Press the puree through a strainer, rubbing with a wooden spoon to force as much through as possible.

Discard the residue, and add enough ice water to thin the puree to a soup-like consistency. Stir in the cilantro, cover, and chill until cold. Pass around the yogurt separately at the table, to allow guests to add as much of it as they wish.

Thank you so much, Nova Rose, for sending us this lovely recipe. Here is a prize for you:

Rosy moments

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

July, 2001
Love is a many splendor la la la la la......................
Give me a break! Don't you think it's time for us to talk about something else? Like foooooooooooooooooood???????
Talking about food, I want you guys to know, the George Forman Double Champion Indoor/Outdoor Electric Grill model no. GGR62, is great! You can cook ANYTHING on it! Even though their suggested cooking chart shows a lot of good stuff to cook, we tried it on eggs and pancakes.
Boy oh boy, they were deeelicious!
This grill is great for camping.
And I'm not getting money from Georgie for this promotion on his grill!!
Anyway, once in a while, we have to take a little tour away from the looove bug. And get back to our roots!
It has been a year since we established this website. In the month of August, we received a recipe from Christal of Canada and opened up with a recipe from Mrs. Acevedo in July, 2000.
This month, no recipe. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Why are you guys just sending email about looooove?!?!?!
C'MON guys!!! We need more recipes.
Well, if you have problems in love, food sometimes pacifies us. And Georgie's grill really cooks! Who said "Burn baby burn"?
So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

June 9, 2001
Oh boy oh boy! Just when I was thinking that I had time to help Dr.D on her website, I get an e-mail that is marked "URGENT."
To the guy who needed help regarding his girlfriend, who like to flirt around and made him jealous, and told him to trust her. This is for you.
You told me that after she said to trust her, she went on a trip and slept with another man and she said nothing happened, and you got jealous. So she dumped you.
Listen very carefully. She didn't like you anyway. That's why she dumped you. Women like men to accuse them of being untrustworthy. Then, they do something untrustworthy and when you say something about it, they dump you. This is how women get rid of men they don't like. They do something bad, but make you look badder. Once you are the villain, the woman feels justified in sending you packing. Women always need justification for breaking a heart. Don't feel bad. The other way women want to get rid of their men is to tell them, "You're just too nice." Oh by the way, some men play the same game.
So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

May 1, 2001
Guess what's new? Dr.D in Check The Medicine has now been promoted to start formatting a new website where aspiring writers will have an opportunity to express themselves in their schools or communities. I have been chosen to assist Dr.D in setting up the website. So this month of May, please be patient with us since we will be under construction most of this month.
So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

April 1, 2001

I can't believe this!
You girls must be crazy!
The guys you girls are planning to go out with, sounds like the character Pierce Brosnan plays in the movie, "The Tailor of Panama." This character was a seductively, malicious person. All he thought about is himself, and what he could get from a girl. When I read your e-mail, I couldn't believe how vulnerable you girls are. You seem to like the wickedness of guys and you think that's cool. If you want a path of loneliness and frustration, well...good luck! You're gonna need it!
I do not recommend this movie to those who are under 17, unless your parents are with you. If they are with you, be prepared to hide your eyes for the explicit stuff, which I won't name. Don't let this charismatic bad boy unscrew your head!

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

March 4, 2001

How come guys can't be more like girls?
Why am I getting e-mail from girls about guys?
Are parents teaching their children about romance?
The answer to these questions are as follows:
Details, details, and above all, details!
If you guys forget this rule, then you're screwed!
It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To!!!
Tell you what?
Here's Crystal's "5 W's, the H, and if it was fun" theory --
The 5 W's are: Who, What, Where, When & Why.
The H is How.
The ending is Did you or Did you not have fun?

Guys just don't get it. Girls just want details! Girls want to know WHEN you went, WHO you went with, WHERE you went, WHY you went, and HOW you got there, IF IT WAS FUN, WHAT you wore, et cetera, et certera, and et cetera.

Girls want to hear, "I went to lunch with John, on Saturday; and we went to McDonalds; and I had a Big Mac with fries and a Coke; and we rode together on John's bike because my bike had a flat tire, and I wore my white shirt, which I spilled my Coke on, so I didn't had a good time,
et cetera, et certera, and et cetera.

Guys want to hear, "Went to lunch on Saturday with Jane to McDonalds. It was okay. "

Details, details, and above all, details!
If you guys forget this rule, then you're screwed!

Girls like to be romanced. A romantic vacation is better than a family vacation. Guys, loosen up! Learn to have fun, and stop being so goal-oriented. Stop looking at the future so much that you forget the present. Girls like fun! I mean NOW, not TOMORROW!
Believe me guys, I know what I'm talking about. WORD UP!!!

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

Feb 3, 2001

It has been said that men use love for sex.
It has also been said that women use sex for love.

Both of these statements in many ways, are true.
When a woman is very lonely and wants to have some kind of social life, to keep a man, sometimes will use sex to get the attention and love of a man. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK! It's still my party and I'll cry if I want to!
Why are we women sometimes so dumb? Why do we believe any guy's B.S. about their love for you and that you're their "snap, crackle and pop"? Boy, are we Rice Krispies heads!
The above information is for those e-mail questions that wanted me to explain information on love.
To the guy who e-mailed me about not understanding women, let me explain something to you: AHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When a woman is talking to you about a problem, something about her job, or school situations, etc., sometimes she is not looking for you to answer her problem. She just wants you to listen. As crazy as this may be, this is a nature of a woman. Sometimes solutions is not what she wants to hear. Just supportive......and give her time to get out of her rut and Valentine's Day will come, every time to you. WHOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

January 1, 2001

"...All acquaintance be la la la la la la..."
C'mon, give me a break! It's still my party and I'll cry if I want to! I'm crying for those who lost their loved ones in the previous year.
I'm crying who lost their fortune, their fame and especially, their "sweet thing" (and you thought I was going to say "money"?). Well like the song says, "FORGET IT!" Normally when people lose their love ones because of health, accidents, murder, etc., they grieve is one that will always be memorable to those who truly care. But those who lose a loved one because of their own deceit, or lies, are just been caught in an act of "you-know-what", sorry brother, I feel no pain for you. For those who lie on the people who care for them, and is later found out that all he/she is only a player, looking for a game to win brownie points, from their love conquest. Oh brother! I feel no pain for you!
Well, all that being said, this New Year's should turned out to be a very explosive one! I don't want the New Year's ball to fall just yet, so therefore, you would have to tune in to my next articles.

So until the next time, check out my home page and cry if you want to!

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