Writer's Topics



In Loving Memory of Cupcake - 1995-2003

If words would describe Cupcake, the list could be endless, 

second of three cats she stood out with tenderness.

A sweet personality and clever every day, 

but just like we humans,  a sad fate past her way.


Although Cupcake appeared to be fine,

an enlarged heart she had was three times.

With this inherited condition, she kept going on and on,

fun was life for her, even with pain and I hope the beyond.


We're  proud of her, and she'll always be in our thoughts, 

a peaceful death in July, our home on the twenty fourth.

 We miss her very much, so a poem needed to be told, 

 no cat can take the place of Cupcake, that my family knows.


Even though she was second and a fighter to the end,

 Loving memory of this cat will be part of our family's trend.


© 2003 by Diana Ray Diamond.   All rights reserved.