
USA Under Attack - Call 911

On September 11, 2001, many innocent lives were lost due to the terrorist attack on the The Twin Towers (World Trade Center) and the Pentagon. The heroic actions of the firemen, policemen, and others rescue workers at the Pentagon and Ground Zero (WTC) has inspired America.

America's response to these attacks has also been inspirational. Donating blood, food, supplies, etc., and the prayers of the American people has given rise to the call of 911( help) to the world. The unity in the Federal, the State's, the City governments, has answered the 911 call for the American people. The wonderful example of the leadership from the Mayor of New York City, the Governor of New York State and the President of the United States, has rallied behind the call of 911 to the American flag. Although this tragedy had brought sadness and anger to this nation, it has also brought the coalition of nations around the world to the call of 911.

The calling of 911 has brought unity to the City of New York, the American people, and the nations of the world, as one. Like they say, "All for one and one for all." Terrorism has reached its height in the destruction of American targets. All that is left of terrorism is now being targeted on them. The biggest sadness of what this has done is toward the Muslims and Arabic people. The many has been suffering because of the few. We hope that the world and the American people will remember the stupidity of World War II towards the Japanese American people. This is America, the home of the Free and the Brave. This is America, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty, And Justice For ALL!!!

The staff of TVOTB would like to express our deepest sympathy to the victims, families, and others, in this tragedy. GOD BLESS AMERICA.


Link to 9/11 Commission Report - http://www.9-11commission.gov/